Cells were treated with MENPs, using no NPs, MSNPs, or PENPs as controls, before magnetic stimulation. Magnetic stimulation was 220 mT DC (DC), 6 mT and 140 Hz AC (AC), or both DC and AC fields along the same axis (AC + DC). Neuronal activity was measured in real time via intracellular Ca2+ imaging using Fluo4 dye, and cell fluorescence was traced over time per cell. Images of total Ca2+ activity over time is shown for selected experimental groups. Calibration bars represent ΔF/Fo (A). The percent of cells demonstrating intracellular Ca2+ transients in (A) is summarized in (B), and significantly different group comparisons are marked in yellow within (C). Cells were treated with TTX, Cd2+, or EGTA before treatment with MENPs and AC and DC magnetic stimulation, and total Ca2+ activity over time is shown next to a diagram depicting the inhibiting activity of each drug (D). Measured Ca2+ transients of drug-treated cells are summarized with no drug, MENP, and AC + DC field–treated cells shown as faded plot points for comparison (E). Plots show traces of Ca2+ activity over time in individual cells (A and D) and individual points with bars showing means ± SD (B and E) (n = 3 to 6); ANOVA with Tukey’s posttest (C) or Dunnett’s posttest with no drug as the control (E); ***P < 0.001, unlabeled group comparisons are not significantly different.