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. 2021 Jan 13;11:1125. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-80693-4

Table 2.

Multivariate linear regression analyses of BMI and FMI in anorexia nervosa.

Variables B SE Beta t p-value
(Constant) 5.761 4.348 1.325 0.193
Age 0.615 0.269 0.325 2.288 0.028
Transitional B cells 0.037 0.024 0.222 1.534 0.133
CD5 MFI on transitional B cells 0.001 0.000 0.832 4.091 0.000
CD1d+CD5+ B cells − 0.220 0.097 − 0.462 − 2.275 0.028
(Constant) − 4.180 2.601 − 1.607 0.116
Age 0.395 0.161 0.344 2.455 0.019
Transitional B cells 0.019 0.016 0.202 1.210 0.234
CD5 MFI on transitional B cells 0.001 0.000 0.613 2.360 0.024
CD1d+CD5+ B cells − 0.039 0.079 − 0.130 − 0.490 0.627

Significant effects are in bold print.

MFI mean fluorescence intensity

Body mass index (BMI): F = 5.193, df (4,39), p = 0.002; R = 0.590, R2 = 0.348.

Fat mass index (FMI): F = 5.217, df (4,37), p = 0.002; R = 0.601, R2 = 0.361.