Figure 5.
Spectral analysis of liver and small intestine samples of Siberian sturgeon collected at t1. (a) Microphotographs of liver samples and topographical distribution of: lipids (LIP maps), fatty acids (FA maps), unsaturated alkyl chains (CH maps), proteins (PRT maps), and glycogen (GLY maps) (map size 164 × 164 µm2). (b) Statistical analysis of liver biochemical composition: LIP/TBM (relative amount of total lipids), FA/TBM (relative amount of fatty acids), CH/TBM (degree of unsaturation in lipid alkyl chains), PRT/TBM (relative amount of total proteins) and GLY/TBM (relative amounts of glycogen). (c) Microphotographs of small intestine samples and topographical distribution of: lipids (LIP maps), proteins (PRT maps) and carbohydrates (CARBO maps) (map size 328 × 164 µm2). (d) Statistical analysis of small intestine biochemical composition: LIP/TBM (relative amount of total lipids), PRT/TBM (relative amount of total proteins) and CARBO/TBM (relative amount of carbohydrates). Significant differences between Hi0 and Hi50 are indicated as follows: ns non-significant; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 and ****p < 0.0001. Data are reported as mean ± SD (n = 6). Sturgeons fed diets including 0 and 50 of BSF meal (Hi0 and Hi50, respectively).