Figure 1.
MBT schematic overview and scoring
(A) The MBT strip consists of 12 parallel lines, of which six are test lines (Tn) and six are flow controls (FCn). Each Tn and FCn pair measures a single biomarker: αPGL-I IgM, IP-10, CRP, CCL4, S100A12, ApoA1. The up-converting reporter particles (UCP) are incorporated in the sample pad. The strip is read using a portable reader perpendicular to the sample flow. The test readout is a pattern of peaks, showing the signal of each of the 12 lines resulting in a ratio value (R) per biomarker (Tn/FCn). R values for each biomarker are displayed for plasma samples of a patient with multibacillary leprosy (MB; orange) and an endemic control (EC; green) and an M. leprae antigen-stimulated whole blood assay sample of a patient with paucibacillary leprosy (PB; blue).
(B) Two scores were calculated using the R values, the NUM score and the ALGO score. The NUM score is the sum of positive biomarkers per individual (green; R value above the cutoff). The ALGO score is based on an algorithm that contributes higher weights to R values associated with disease and was calculated using the median R values of the individual biomarkers for the patients with leprosy.