Increased frequency of the SIGLEC1 null allele in individuals with extrapulmonary/disseminated TB from an HIV‐1 Cohort. a. Representation of the different subgroups analyzed in the HIV cohort. Estimated proportion and 95% confidence interval of individuals harbouring the SIGLEC1 Glu88Ter* or null allele, including 85 heterozygous and two homozygous individuals. Subjects are grouped by TB diagnosis and by the localization of TB into pulmonary or extrapulmonary/disseminated forms. b. Clinical evolution of a Siglec‐1 null homozygous individual from the HIV‐1 Cohort diagnosed with TB. Dynamics of the CD4+ T‐cell count (cells/mm3) and plasma viral RNA level (copies/ml) of a Siglec‐1 null homozygous individual from the SHCS cohort, who was diagnosed with pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB. The dates of first HIV‐1 positive report, of TB diagnosis and of antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation are depicted. Coloured circles indicate values that are below the limit of detection of the viral load. Graph is adapted from Figure 3c of (Martinez‐Picado et al., 2016)