Fig. 2.
Association between body mass index and the risk of 26 cancer types in the overall population, allowing for non-linear effects, with 99% CIs. Notes: (1) The reference BMI for these plots was 22 kg/m2. Separate models were fitted for each cancer type and adjusted for smoking status, alcohol intake, nationality, the MEDEA deprivation index, type 2 diabetes, and had sex and age (5-year categories) in the strata statement. Each model had a restricted cubic spline for BMI with 3 knots placed at 21, 26, and 34 kg/m2 except for head and neck; stomach; trachea, bronchus, and lung; corpus uteri; and prostate and bladder cancers that had 5 knots placed at 19, 23, 26, 29, and 37 kg/m2. (2) Gallbladder includes biliary tract; lung includes trachea and bronchus; bone includes articular cartillage; brain includes the CNS, pituitary gland and pineal gland tumors. M. melanoma of skin stands for Malignant melanoma of skin; Non-Hodgkin L. stands for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. (3) Models for ovary, cervix, and corpus uteri cancers were only computed in women, for breast pre-menopausal only in pre-menopausal women, for breast post-menopausal only in post-menopausal women, and for prostate and testis only computed in men. (4) All models have a scale up to a HR of 3 and are ordered by ascending ranking of ICD-10 codes, except for esophagus, corpus uteri, and Hodgkin lymphoma. Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; CNS, central nervous system; HR, hazard ratio; KG, kilograms; M, meters