Fig. 4.
Differences in the functional content of the bacterial metagenomes of wood-dwelling and foraging species. a Circular dendrogram/hierarchy of all COGs in the category “metabolism” over-represented in wood-dwelling species (green) or foraging species (orange). Circle size at the leafs scales with the abundance of the COG. Over-representation was detected with LefSe [58] (p < 0.05, q < 0.05, LDA > 2). A Venn diagram visualizing the total number, and the differentially abundant number of functions in each of the five pathways that constitute the category “metbolism” can be found in Additional file 1: Fig. S11. b Pathway analysis of cellulose and hemicellulose degradation. Colored boxes of cellulolytic or hemicellulolytic genes indicate proportion of relative abundance of sequences affiliated with wood-dwelling (green) or foraging (orange) species. c Pathway analysis of nitrogen metabolism. Boxes for genes with functions in nitrogen metabolism indicate relative abundance in the two life types. d Pathway analysis of glutamate synthesis. Boxes in c) and d) show relative abundance in the two life types of genes with functions in nitrogen/glutamate metabolism. Pie charts show taxonomic association of the gene. All hemicellulolytic genes were over-represented in the wood-dwelling species. Also, a nitrogenase was enriched in the wood-dwelling species, while in the foraging species, genes involved in dissimilatory nitrate reduction were over-represented