Figure 6.
Expression, purification and binding properties of two selected cLC hetero-IgG molecules
A) Final CIEX yields of two cLC hetero-IgGs (A2× B4 and C4×B3) and their corresponding parental mAbs. B) CIEX chromatographs for A2× B4 and C4× B3. C–E) Binding kinetics of two cLC hetero-IgGs (A2×B4 and C4×B3) and respective controls (two hybrid IgGs (HC-A2/LC-B4 and HC-C4/LC-B3) and two parental mAbs (B4 and B3). Representative binding kinetics sensorgrams show processed data overlaid with the global fit to a 1:1 binding model. The weaker binding to antigen-C is rapid equilibrium with a lack of curvature leading to the larger variance in replicate measurements. The binding affinity (KD) was calculated as mean ± SE from three independent measurements.