Transplanted renal scattered tubular-like cells (STC) from Normal and RVD pigs in the murine kidneys. A, Top: Immunofluorescent pre-labeled swine STC (far-red, arrow) do not co-localize with CD3+ T-cells (green, arrowhead) in the murine kidney. Middle: A representative RVD-STC (far-red, arrow) incorporated into renal tubule marked with phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin (PHA-E, red). DAPI: Blue. Bottom: Ki67(red) and PCNA(green) immunostaining showed cell proliferation in engrafted STC. B, Flow cytometry analysis showing the distribution of transplanted cells 2 weeks after injection. Biodistribution of STC detected in the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, stenotic kidney (STK), and contralateral kidney (CLK) was calculated as percentages of the total number of STC detected in those organs. *p<0.001 vs. STK.