(A) Targets of gene knock-out for OsATG8b in SN9816 with CRISPR/Cas9 system and identification of the osatg8b mutants by sequencing of the target sites. (B) The expression level of OsATG8b in leaves of SN9816, OsATG8b-overexpressing lines, and osatg8b mutant. OsActin1 was used as an internal control. Values are means ± SD (n = 3), **P < 0.01 (t-test). (C) 14-day-old rice seedlings of SN9816, OsATG8b-overexpressing lines, and osatg8b mutants cultured with NS or ND solution with DMSO or 0.5 μM ConA with or without 5 μM wortmannin for 24h (n = 10), immunoblot analysis the accumulation of OsATG8b and NBR1 with anti-OsATG8b and anti-AtNBR1, near-equal protein loads were confirmed by immunoblot analysis with an α-tubulin antibody. The membrane fraction was used to detect the level of lipidated (OsATG8b-PE) and free OsATG8b in the leaves.