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. 2021 Jan 14;16(1):e0245172. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245172

Table 3. Virulence of the Flye assemblies obtained with the WIMP E. coli extracted reads.

Samplea WIMP E. coli Reads Serotypeb stx type eae type Contig No. (genome and plasmid)c Percent EDL933_2 Genome Assembled
Water 10,806 O9 - - 31 -
Water+Ecoli1 1,659,463 O157:H7 1a gamma-1 44 (1+) 100%
Water+Ecoli2 432,649 O157:H7 1a gamma-1 40 (1+) 100%
Water+Ecoli3 73,783 O157:H7/ O9 1a gamma-1 41 (8+) 100%
Water+Ecoli4d 17,203 O157:H7/ O9 1a gamma-1 92 (63+) 85%
Water+Ecoli5 10,086 O9 - - 28 -
Water+Ecoli6e 8,515 O9 - - 24 -

aCFU/ml levels of EDL933_2 inoculation can be found in Table 2.

bin silico serotype using genes defined by the Center for Genomic Epidemiology at the technical University of Denmark (DTU) (

cIn parenthesis, the number of contigs that contain the entire chromosome, a plus sign (+) indicates the presence of a contig that matched the EDL933_2 circular plasmid.

dfragmented genome assembly limit.

eE. coli O157 detection limit (4 reads matching O157 by BLAST classification).