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. 2021 Jan 15;70(2):36–39. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7002a2


The figure is a bar graph showing 12 CDC Emergency Management Program Incident Management System activations by date, duration (in number of days), and activation level during 2013–2018.

Incident Management System (IMS) activations (N = 12),* by date, duration (in number of days), and activation level — Emergency Management Program, CDC, 2013–2018

Abbreviations: DoD = Department of Defense; Ebola = Ebola virus disease; polio = poliovirus.

* Total duration of IMS activation (in days) denoted in parentheses. Year in response name indicates the year that the event was initiated.

Level 1 is the highest level of activation, requiring a 24/7 agency-wide effort. Level 2 involves a large number of staff members from the relevant program areas and from the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and time-sensitive tasks and needs might extend beyond core business hours. Level 3 is the lowest level of activation, in which CDC subject matter experts lead the response with their program staff members and assistance from the EOC.