Figure 2.
The Physiological and Mood Effects of Propranolol (NA−) Administration
Plots show the change (Δ) in each measure from baseline (pre-drug administration) and 1-h post-drug administration. Propranolol (A) reduces heart rate and (B) reduces systolic blood pressure more than placebo but has no effect on (C) diastolic blood pressure or (E) state anxiety. Change in state anxiety (Δ) measured at baseline (before drug administration) an at the end of the testing session. Each data point represents an individual participant in the study. Thick middle line shows the mean, inner box shows the 95% standard error of the mean (SEM), and outer box shows the standard deviation. BP, blood pressure; Bpm, beats per minute; STAI-S, the state anxiety scale from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. ∗ denotes statistically significant difference between propranolol (NA−) and placebo groups. ns, not significant.