Discrepancy between Whole-Cell and Loose-Seal Bouton Recordings
(A) Top: electron microscopic image of the tip of a borosilicate glass pipette. Bottom: electron microscopic image of the tip of a quartz glass pipette of similar pipette resistances. Scale bar, 500 nm.
(B) 2P image of a paired whole-cell recording from the soma (green pipette) and bouton (magenta pipette) of a layer 5 pyramidal neuron. Scale bar, 20 μm; maximum z-projection of a stack of 57 images; z-step size 1.25 μm. Inset: magnified whole-cell bouton recording; scale bar, 5 μm; maximum z-projection of a stack of 23 images; z-step size 0.5 μm.
(C) Left: pictogram of the recording configuration. Right: example whole-cell recorded somatic (green) and bouton action potentials (magenta) upon somatic current injection. Action potential half-durations in somatic and bouton recordings are indicated by arrows.
(D) Left: peak potential of somatic and bouton action potentials in paired bouton-soma recordings from layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Right: half-duration of somatic and bouton action potentials in paired recordings from layer 5 pyramidal neurons (bar graphs as mean ± SEM; color code as in C; n indicates number of individual paired soma-bouton recordings).
(E) 2P image of a paired whole-cell recording from the soma (green pipette) and bouton (magenta pipette) of a neocortical interneuron. Scale bar, 20 μm; maximum z-projection of a stack of 92 images; z-step size 1.0 μm. Inset: magnified whole-cell bouton recording; scale bar, 5 μm; maximum z-projection of a stack of 16 images; z-step size 0.5 μm.
(F) Left: pictogram of the recording configuration. Right: whole-cell recorded somatic (green) and bouton action potentials (magenta) evoked by somatic current injection.
(G) Left: peak potential of somatic and bouton action potentials in paired bouton-soma recordings from neocortical interneurons. Right: half-duration of somatic and bouton action potentials in paired recordings from interneurons (bar graphs as mean ± SEM; color code as in F).
See also Figure S2.