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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Community Health. 2020 Oct;45(5):1017–1026. doi: 10.1007/s10900-020-00822-y

Table 3.

Material hardship questionnaire and response data, n=124.

Durable goods and transportation in the household, n (%)
Do you currently have the following items in your home, in working condition?
Do not own or have access Have access, but do not own Own
Dishwasher 91 (73.4) N/A 33 (26.6)
Automobile 41 (33.1) 23 (18.5) 60 (48.4)
Internet access 31 (25.0) N/A 93 (75.0)
Washing machine 16 (12.9) 9 (7.3) 99 (79.8)
Smart phone 7 (5.6) N/A 117 (94.4)
Refrigerator 2 (1.6) N/A 122 (98.4)
Housing quality, n (%)
Are any of the following conditions present in your home (select all that apply)?
 Holes in the walls or ceiling; cracks wider than the edge of a dime 48 (38.7)
 A leaking roof or ceiling 23 (18.6)
 Broken window glass or windows that can’t shut 17 (13.7)
 A toilet, hot water heater, or other plumbing that doesn’t work 8 (6.5)
 Exposed electrical wires in the finished areas of your home 6 (4.8)
 Holes in the floor big enough for someone to catch their foot on 2 (1.6)
Housing-related payments, n (%)
Evicted/services discontinued Not paid, but not evicted/services not discontinued No
Was there a time in the past 12 mo. when the phone company disconnected service because payments not made? 14 (11.3) N/A 110 (88.7)
Was there a time in the past 12 mo. when you did not pay the full amount of gas, oil, or electricity bills and/or the utility company discontinued services? 8 (6.4) 43 (34.7) 73 (58.9)
Was there a time in the past 12 mo. when you did not pay the full amount of rent or mortgage and/or were evicted? 2 (1.6) 35 (28.2) 87 (70.2)
Medical needs, n (%)
Yes No
Was there a time in the past 12 months you or anyone in your household needed to see a dentist but did not go? 18 (14.5) 106 (85.5)
Was there a time in the past 12 months you or anyone in your household needed to see a doctor/go to hospital but did not go? 17 (13.7) 107 (86.3)
Food security, n (%)
Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household in the last 4 months?
 Enough of the kinds of food we want 80 (64.5)
 Enough but not always the kinds of food we want to eat 29 (23.4)
 Sometimes not enough to eat 12 (9.7)
 Often not enough to eat 3 (2.4)