Fig. 2 |. Frequency and distribution of RAS mutations in human cancers.
Human cancers differ in which has the most frequently mutated RAS isoform, codon and amino acid substitution. a | Distribution of RAS isoform (KRAS, NRAS and HRAS) mutations across tumour types and the frequency of the RAS mutation by isoform in each tumour type. b | Percentages of KRAS mutations that are in codon 12 by tissue type for pancreatic, colorectal and lung adenocarcinoma, and the percentage of NRAS mutations that are in codon 61 for melanoma. The distributions of amino acid substitutions at the mutated codon (12 or 61) for each tissue type are shown in pie charts beside the relevant organ. Data acquired from The Cancer Genome Atlas (pan-Cancer) from cBioPortal and from Project GENIE269 (GENIE v7.0 public).