Leptospira colonies.
(a) Formation of surface’s black colonies, with round shape, needle tip size (at 30 days of incubation on EMJH agar), wooly margins, and hilly elevation related to Leptospira pathogen species. (b) Formation of sub surface’s white colonies with round shape, small size, and some smaller colonies, size 1–2 mm (after 30 days of incubation on EMJH agar), smooth (entire) margins, flat elevation related to Leptospira perdikensis. (c) Formation of sub surface’s very bright cream colonies with round shape, small size, 1–3 mm, (after 30 days of incubation on EMJH agar), smooth (entire) margins, with small to medium halo, flat elevation related to Leptospira ryugenii. (d) It had the characteristics of a colony (a), except that in this case, rings were seen to the same distance around the surface black colony related to Leptospira pathogen species.