Table 1.
Author (year) | Country | Hospitals, Study wards | Patient population | EMS vendor | Study description of CDSa | Data collection | Outcomes reported | Quality rating |
Al-Sarawi et al (2009)41 | Australia | 3 Public, Multiple-ward | NR | EPAS | Alertsb | PCR | PE | 2: Weak |
Armada et al (2014)42 | Spain | 1 Teaching, ICU | Adult, Cardiac | FarmaTools Dominion | “Moderate”a | PCR | PE, LOS, Mo, Hm, SRE | 6: Moderate |
Colpaert et al (2006)43 | Belgium | 1 Teaching, ICU | Adult | Centricity Critical Care Clinisoft | “Moderate”a | PCR | PE, LOS, Hm | 10: Strong |
Han et al (2016)44 | USA | 1 Teaching, ICU | Adult | EPIC Systems Corp | None | Obs. | Mortality, LOS | 7: Moderate |
Hernandez et al (2015)45 | France | 1 Teaching, General | Adult, Orthopaedic | NR, Commercial | Alertsb | Obs. | PE, MAE | 6: Moderate |
Hinjosa-Amaya et al (2016)46 | Mexico | 1 Teaching, General | Adult + Paediatric | NR | NR | RCR | ME | 7: Moderate |
Holdsworth et al (2007)47 | USA | 1 Public, Multiple ward | Paediatric | Eclipsys System 2000 | ”Extensive”a | PCR | Hm | 8: Moderate |
Jheeta and Franklin (2017)48 | UK | 1 Teaching, General | Adult, Elderly | NR | Alertsb | Obs. | MAE | 2: Weak |
Joy et al (2012)49 | USA | 1 Public, Multiple ward | Adult + Paediatric | EPIC Systems Corp | NR | PCR | ME, Hm | 5: Moderate |
Jozefczyk et al (2013)50 | USA | 1 Teaching, ICU | Paediatric, Neonatal | McKesson’s Horizon Expert Orders | ”Rudimentary”a | RCR | ME | 4: Weak |
Mills et al (2017)51 | UK | 1 Public, Multiple ward | Adult | NR, Commercial | Alertsb | RCR | LOS, PE, SRE | 4: Weak |
Oliveros et al (2016)52 | Spain | 1 Teaching, General | NR | Prescriwin | “Basic”a | RCR | MAE, SRE | 4: Weak |
Pontefract et al (2018)53 | UK | 3 NR, General | Adult | NR, Commercial | Variedc | PCR | PE | 4: Weak |
Shawahna et al (2011)54 | Pakistan | 1 Teaching, Multiple ward | Adult + Paediatric | NR | None | PCR | PE | 5: Moderate |
Van Doormaal et al (2009)55 | Netherlands | 2 Teaching, General | Adult | iSoft Medicator + Theriak | “Basic”a | PCR | LOS, ME, Hm | 8: Moderate |
Walsh et al (2008)56 | USA | 1 Public, Multiple ward | Paediatric | Sunrise Clinical Manager | Alertsb | PCR | ME, Hm, SRE | 8: Moderate |
Warrick et al (2011)57 | USA | 1 Public, ICU | Paediatric | ICIP | Alertsb | PCR | PE | 4: Weak |
Westbrook et al (2012)58 | Australia | 2 Teaching, General | Adult | CMPO + iSoft MedChart | Alertsb | PCR | PE, SRE | 10: Strong |
Abbreviations: CDS, Clinical Decision Support; CMPO, Cerner Millennium Power Orders; EMS, Electronic Medication System; EPAS, The Enterprise Patient Administration System; General, the study included only general wards; Hm, Harm; Multiple-ward, study included both general and intensive care wards; ICU/ED, the study included only intensive care or complicated patient wards (eg, oncology, neonate); ICIP, Intellivue Clinical Information Portfolio; PCR, Prospective Chart Review (charts were assessed during the normal course of daily work); PE, Prescribing Error; Public, the hospital was nonteaching, RCR, Retrospective Chart Review (archived charts were assessed in retrospect); LOS, length of stay; Mo, mortality; NR, not reported; Obs., direct observations conducted pre- and post-EMS implementation; SRE, quantitative reporting of system-related errors.
The terms “basic,” “rudimentary,” “moderate,” and “extensive” are taken verbatim from study author. For a complete description of the EMS and CDS, see Supplementary Appendix SB.
Many studies did not provide a specific description of CDS, though they did mention some alert functionality, such as potential drug–allergy and drug–drug interactions.
This study assessed the impact of 5 levels of CDS. For a complete description, please see Supplementary Appendix SB.