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. 2021 Jan 13;41(2):376–389. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2142-20.2020

Table 1.

List of antibodies

Name Company Catalog # Host Application Dilution
SMN clone 8 BD Transd. Lab 610646 Mouse WB 1:10,000
Tubulin DM1A Sigma T9026 Mouse WB 1:50,000
p53 Leica Novocastra NCL-p53-CM5p Rabbit IF 1:1000
p-p53S15 Cell Signaling 9284 (lots: 12, 15) Rabbit IF 1:200
VGluT1 Synaptic Systems 135 304 Guinea pig IF 1:5000
VGluT1 Covance (custom made) N/A Guinea pig IF 1:5000
Synaptophysin Synaptic Systems 101-004 Guinea pig IF 1:500
Neurofilament Millipore AB1987 Rabbit IF 1:500
c-Fos Abcam AB190289 Rabbit IF 1:20,000
ChAT Millipore AB144P Goat IF 1:100
Bungarotoxin Invitrogen B35451 N/A IF 1:500
Kv2.1 Neuromab K89/34 concent. Mouse IF 1:500
Parvalbumin Synaptic Systems 195004 Guinea pig IF 1:5000