Morphological endpoints affected by, and LELs associated with, developmental exposures to e-cigarette flavors (Figure 1A) and chemical constituents (Figure 2). The left hand column lists each e-cigarette flavor or created mixture and its chemical constituents. The three right-hand columns list the most common endpoints affected, LEL values, and, where applicable, calculated EC50 values. The top row is each chemical constituent and flavor it was part of, represented by an ✖. The bottom three rows in the left-hand column list the most common endpoints affected, LELs, and, where applicable, calculated EC50 values. All EC50 values were calculated using the mortality endpoint (MORT). ND stands for Not Determined. As in Figures 1 and 2, endpoints common to 555 and French Vanilla were also common to their chemical constituents (Ethyl Vanillin, Vanillin, and Maltol), suggesting a similar mechanism of toxicity.