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. 2021 Jan 15;27:1076029620984546. doi: 10.1177/1076029620984546

Table 2.

Patient Characteristics.

vWD n Controls n CAD n p
Number of test persons (n) 37 14 38
Gender 0.000063*
Male [%] 57 43 95
Female [%] 43 57 5
Age [mean ± sd] 52.0
± 9.3
37 49.1
± 6.6
14 51.2
± 4.4
38 0.434
Body mass index [kg/m2] [mean ± sd] 27.1
± 7.1
31 24.7
± 2.5
14 0.309
Blood pressure [mean ± sd]
Systolic blood pressure [mmHg] 134.4
± 18.5
30 121.2
± 11.2
13 113.9
± 17.1
38 < 0.0001*
Mean arterial pressure [mmHg] 99.5
± 12.3
30 92.7
± 6.0
13 84.5
± 10.5
38 < 0.0001*
vWD [%] Controls [%]
Cardiovascular risk factors
Hypertension 38 37 0 14 0.019*
Type 2 diabetes mellitus 8 37 0 14 0.666
Smoking 19 30 29 14 1.000
Infectious diseases
HIV 0 37 0 14
Hepatitis 14 37 0 14 0.357
- Chronic hepatitis B 5 37 0 14
- Diagnosed with hepatitis B, but no current disease 8 37 0 14
- Chronic hepatitis C 0 37 0 14
- Diagnosed with hepatitis C, but no current disease 8 37 0 14
Known CAD 3 37 0 14 100 38 0.000*

CAD coronary artery disease, dl deciliter, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, mmHg torr, mg milligram, n number of test persons, p p-value, sd standard deviation, vWD von Willebrand disease, vs versus.