Fig. 3.
Cerebellar impact on estimated wS1–wM1 coherence depends on behavior. (A) Whisker stimulation triggers reflexive protraction. Trials were split between the 50% of the trials with the largest and the 50% with the smallest protractions. (B) The estimated coherence between the subgranular layers of wS1 and the supragranular layers of wM1 were only mildly different between the trials with large (Top) and small (Bottom) movements. (C) For each stimulus condition, the averaged coherence spectra are plotted, with colored traces representing the large whisker movements. Note that the difference in beta- and lower gamma-band activity are modulated in opposite fashion when adding optogenetic Purkinje cell stimulation to the air-puff stimulation. (D) Accordingly, the impact of optogenetic Purkinje cell stimulation on the estimated sensory-induced wS1–wM1 coherence was stronger during trials with large whisker movements. This difference was statistically significant (DoC test; see E). This effect was abolished by a 20-ms delay between the start of whisker and Purkinje cell stimulation. (E) The difference in the impact of simultaneous Purkinje cell stimulation (“ΔΔCoherence”) on sensory-induced beta- and gamma-band coherence was significantly larger during the trials with large movements than during those with small movements (DoC analysis). Lines in C to E indicate averages and the shades SEM (SI Appendix, Fig. S17).