Figure 3.
ST-401 decreases TM number and length in PD-glioma cells in culture. Representative images of PD glioma (S24) expressing cytoplasmatic GFP and treated with vehicle control (DMSO 1%) (A), Y-27632 (50 μM) (B), Noco (300 nM) (E) and ST-401 (30 and 300 nM) (F and G), and stained with Ho342 and EthD2 fluorescence. Scale bar = 200 μm. (C–D) Y-27632 (50 μM) increased, and Noco (300 nM) decreased, TM number/cell (C) and TM length/cell (D). (H–I) ST-401 decreased TM number/cell (H) and TM length/cell (I) in S24 PD-glioma to greater extent than in BG5 PD-glioma. Two-way ANOVA analysis followed by Tuckey's post-test indicated significance of *P < .05 and ***P < .001 compared to vehicle control (DMSO 1%). Microtube length and number per cell were quantified in a semi-automatic manner using immunofluorescence images and machine learning-based workflow.