Figure 7.
B. cenocepacia lacking OLs caused lower mortality in Galleria mellonella larvae. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves: Larvae were injected with wild-type cells of B. cenocepacia J2315 or the mutant strain NG1 that does not synthesize OLs at concentrations of 3 × 107, 3 × 106, 3 × 105, and 2 × 104 CFU/ml. Survival was evaluated every 24 h for 5 days. At the highest concentration of 3 × 107 CFU/ml, the mortality for both strains was 100 %. (B) Strain J2315 (black columns) caused increased mortality after 5 days in the infection model of G. mellonella larvae compared with the mutant NG1 that lacking OLs (gray columns) at a concentration of 3 × 105 CFU/ml and was significantly different (*) with an analysis tailed t-test with a P-value: 0.0349. The experiment was repeated five times with similar results using fifty larvae in total for each treatment.