Table 3.
Standardised factor loadings for items of the FPSQ-M according to CFA (N = 731) – 4 factors, 18 items
Factor | Label | Item | Loading |
Feeding on demand | DEM1 | I feed my baby whenever he wants | .862 |
DEM2 | I feed my baby at set timesa | .840 | |
DEM3 | I decide when it is time for my baby to have a feeda | .803 | |
DEM4 | I let my baby decide when he would like to have a feed | .921 | |
Using food to calm | FC1 | I feed my baby to settle him, even if he is not hungry | .785 |
FC2 | I offer my baby a feed when he is unsettled or crying | .885 | |
FC3 | I offer my baby a feed when he is hurt | .838 | |
FC4 | When my baby gets unsettled or is crying, feeding him is one of the first things I do | .851 | |
FC5 | I feed my baby to make sure that he does not get unsettled or cry | .678 | |
Persuasive feeding | PERS1 | I feed my baby extra milk, just to make sure he gets enough | .761 |
PERS2 | If my baby indicates he is not hungry, I try to get him to feed anyway | .656 | |
PERS5 | I feed my baby extra milk so he sleeps longer | .832 | |
Parent-led feeding | PARENT1 | When deciding how much to feed my baby, I rely on how hungry he isa | .582 |
PARENT 3 | I feed my baby for a set time | .573 | |
PARENT 5 | I carefully control how much my baby feeds | .871 | |
PARENT 6 | I follow a rule about how much my baby should feed | .848 | |
PARENT 7 | I let my baby decide how much he feedsa | .811 | |
PARENT 8 | I decide how much my baby feeds | .785 |
aItem is reverse coded
Response options: 1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always