Figure 7.
CDNI-GABA – two-photon uncaging of the major inhibitory transmitter.
A. Structure of CDNI-Glu57. B. Example of rapid, GABA-A selective 2P-evoked current57. C. 2P photolysis of CDNI-GABA mimics quantal release57. D. Functional mapping57 of neuronal GABA-A receptors (i) required a mode-locked laser (ii) vs (iii), and was reproducible (ii) & (iv). E. Axial resolution of 2P uncaging of CDNI-GABA was diffraction-limited57. F. 2P photolysis of CDNI-GABA on young neurons induces GABA synaptogenesis and spinogenesis in vitro (i) and in vivo (ii). G. Most photo-induced synapses were stable for longer than 25–30 min60. B-E Reproduced from ref. 57. Copyright (2010) GCRE-D. E,F: Reproduced with permission from ref. 60. Copyright (2016) AAAS.