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. 2021 Jan 18;21:62. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03520-8

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample according to feeding status (1 month)

Variables Excl. Breastfeeding Mixed Feeding Excl. Formula Feeding F (df) / X2(df)
N % Mean (SD) N % Mean (SD) N % Mean (SD)
Mother and Partner’s characteristics
Mother’s Age 4772 29.46A (4.49) 1861 28.95B (4.58) 4463 26.73C (4.85) 420.75 (2)**
Primipara (Y) 4617 42.7A 1791 46.5B 4183 39.7C 18.55 (2)**
Self-reported smoking in pregnancy (Y) 4686 15.8A 1825 21.0B 4268 31.1C 109.92 (2)**
Self-reported partner’s daily cigarette consumption 4242 3.06A (7.09) 1617 4.02B (8.08) 3476 5.25C (8.47) 75.13 (2)**
Mother’s Education 4487A 1721B 3789C 1203.61 (8)**
 CSE 7.9 9.5 22.6
 Vocational 6.9 8.5 14.6
 O-Level 32.6 37.7 42.5
 A-Level 29.9 28.8 16.3
 University Degree 22.7 15.6 3.9
Partner’s Education 4256A 1623B 3398C 830.94 (8)**
 CSE 10.9 14.7 25.6
 Vocational 7.2 8.6 12.2
 O-Level 21.1 23.8 26.4
 A-Level 29.4 32.5 28
 University Degree 31.4 20.3 7.9
Crowding Index 4580A  – 1795A 4163B 345.88 (6)**
 ≤ 0,5 person per room 49 49.1 33.7
 > 0,5–0,75 person per room 30.9 32.2 32.8
 >  0,75–1 person per room 16 14 25
 > 1 person per room 4.1 4.7 8.6
HOME Score 4363 10.41A (1.55) 1643 10.37A (1.59) 3661 10.13B (1.64) 30.80 (2)**
Maternal return to work (Y) 4432 34.3A 1695 40B 3789 28.8C 70.71 (2)**
Self-reported maternal smoking since birth (Y) 4594 14.3A 1778 19.3B 4057 31.3C 370.46 (2)**
Maternal depressive symptoms (32 gestational weeks) 4503 6.47A (4.81) 1740 6.68A (4.91) 4008 7.45B (5.16) 42.80 (2)**
Maternal depressive symptoms (8 weeks postpartum) 4590 5.61A (4.40) 1776 6.08B (4.80) 4054 6.30C (4.98) 23.64 (2)**
Infant characteristics
Baby’s sex (M) 4772 50.2A 1861 53.1B 4463 52.6C 7.08 (2)*
Baby’s Birthweight 4772 3498.61A (445.40) 1861 3488.09A (465.16) 4463 3461.16B (469.63) 7.88 (2)**
Gestational Age 4772 39.67A (1.39) 1861 39.67A (1.44) 4463 39.66A (1.48) 0.89 (2)
IQ (Total – 4y) 440 107.05A (14.46) 181 106.73A (12.68) 298 100.53B (13.58) 21.70 (2) **
IQ (Total - 8y) 3052 107.47A (16.16) 1134 105.61B (16.21) 1989 99.98C (15.58) 134.25 (2) **
Hyperactivity (SDQ – 4y) 3786 3.62A (2.28) 1393 3.94B (2.26) 3037 4.29C (2.31) 72.07 (2)**
Emotional Symptoms (SDQ – 4y) 3821 1.40A (1.49) 1412 1.45A (1.49) 3060 1.46A (1.50) 0.24 (2)
Conduct Problems (SDQ – 4y) 3816 1.84A (1.36) 1408 1.98B (1.48) 3064 2.02C (1.41) 14.61 (2)**
Total Behavior Score (SDQ – 4y) 3718 8.27A (4.40) 1370 8.85B (4.50) 2970 9.37C (4.61) 48.95 (2)**
Hyperactivity (SDQ – 9y) 3273 2.71A (2.12) 1229 3.01B (2.34) 2336 3.05C (2.22) 20.96 (2)**
Emotional Symptoms (SDQ - 9y) 3269 1.44A (1.63) 1224 1.51A (1.72) 2338 1.58A (1.79) 1.75 (2)
Conduct Problems (SDQ – 9y) 3279 1.21A (1.34) 1224 1.26A (1.31) 2339 1.33B (1.41) 4.33 (2)**
Total Behavior Score (SDQ – 9y) 3245 6.41A (4.65) 1219 6.90B (4.81) 2318 7.02C (5.01) 12.99 (2)**

Note: SD standard deviation, F F statistic, df degrees of freedom, X2 chi-square, M male, m months, Y yes, y years, IQ Intelligence Quotient, SDQ Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, A-B-C groups not sharing the same superscript are different from each other at p <.05; **Significant at the p =.01 level; *Significant at the p =.05 level