Table 1.
MTF-shape classification
Temporal |
Rate |
A1 | ML | A1 |
ML |
Total | % that Synch | Total | % that Synch | |||
Peak/Trough (P/T) | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 73/178 41.0% | Low: 58/73 79.5% High: 2/73 2.7% |
34/88 38.6% | Low: 29/34 85.3% High: 2/34 5.9% |
Bandpass | 136/172 79.1% | 33/66 50.0% | 71/178 39.9% | 43/71 60.6% | 21/88 23.9% | 10/21 47.6% |
Low-pass | 12/172 7.0% | 18/66 27.3% | 3/178 1.7% | 1/3 33.3% | 5/88 5.7% | 4/5 80.0% |
High-pass | 0/172 0% | 0/66 0% | 8/178 4.5% | 0/8 0% | 5/88 5.7% | 1/5 20.0% |
No fit | 24/172 14.0% | 15/66 22.7% | 23/178 12.9% | 1/23 4.3% | 23/88 26.1% | 1/23 4.3% |
Not responsive | 78/250 31.2% | 72/138 52.2% | 72/250 28.8% | 0/72 0% | 50/138 36.2% | 0/50 0% |
Values on the left are in cell count, values on the right are in percentage. Denominator for “not responsive” cells is total cells recorded. Denominator for all others is total responsive cells (or for “synch” columns, total responsive cells within the given MTF class). “Synch” columns indicate a “synchronized rate” response—neurons that have at least one modulation frequency with both significant phase locking and a firing rate that was at or above the half height of the fitted Gaussian/sigmoid function for the MTF. Those neurons that do not exhibit changes in firing rate do not have synchronized rate responses by this definition, even if they exhibit some significant phase locking. A1, primary auditory cortex; ML, middle lateral auditory cortex; MTF, modulation transfer function.