A) Viability and flight tests comparing wild type (
Mef2-GAL4 control) to knockdown or over-expression of Hippo pathway components. (
B) Cryo cross-sections of dorsal longitudinal muscle 4 from 24 hr and 32 hr after puparium formation (APF) wild type,
Dlg5, Slmap, or
yorkie-IR and
yorkie-CA pupae. Scale bars represent 10 µm. (
C) Line graph showing mRNA expression levels of
Dlg5, Slmap, hippo, yorkie, warts, and
scalloped during the flight muscle development. Data extracted from
Spletter et al., 2018. (
D) Longitudinal section of flight muscles at 32 hr APF comparing wild type to
hippo-IR, stained for actin and anti-Hippo. Note the decreased levels of Hippo in knock-down muscles. Scale bar represents 50 µm. (
E) Flight muscles at 32 hr APF from wild type, co-stained for anti-Hippo and anti-Slmap. Scale bar represents 2 µm.