Self-personality | Other’s personality | |
First-person perspective (1PP) | “Do you think you are kind?” (1PP_Self) | “Do you think your son/daughter is kind?” (1PP_Other) |
Third-person perspective (3PP) | “Does your mother/father think you are kind?” (3PP_Self) | – |
Each statement is characterized with five adjectives describing a personality trait of the children, using the children’s own first-person perspective (self-personality: 1PP_Self) and third-person perspective (self-personality: 3PP_Self) and the parent’s perspective (other’s personality: 1PP_Other). For each statement, the participants responded using a four-point Likert scale (1 = disagree, 2 = somewhat disagree, 3 = somewhat agree, 4 = agree). The CMS metacognition part that measures metacognition was obtained by the sum of absolute differences between each adjective of 3PP_Self and 1PP_Other scores. The CMS self-judgment accuracy was defined as the sum of absolute differences between each adjective of 1PP_Self and 3PP_Self scores.