Fig. 1. Experimental setup for testing host and environmental effects on the ecological succession of gut microbiota across zebrafish development.
Zebrafish were manipulated under three different environments (A, B, and C). First, zebrafish embryos belong to a single sibship were hatched in three independent circular plates with water from environments A, B, and C, respectively. Second, zebrafish hatched from different environments (indicated by green, red, and blue, respectively) were transferred from plates to tanks at 12 days post-hatching (dph) and raised in small net cages (dotted box). Gut samples were collected from different cages across zebrafish development from 12 to 98 dph. The colored lines, fish and letters in green, red, and blue corresponding to environments A, B, and C, respectively. Cages 1, 5, 9 represented zebrafish kept in original environments, and the other cages represented zebrafish subjected to switched environments.