Fig. 3. Flattening motion of Piezo1 membrane.
a Box sizes along x-axis (x-dim) and y-axis (y-dim) distribution over the last 750 ns of three systems over 1.75 µs. b Anisotropic membrane curvature in xz or yz plane, plotted against x-dim or y-dim. The star symbol marks the average values of the last 750 ns trajectory (6250 frames). c Flattening angle of the Piezo1 arms plotted against x-dim. The angle β is defined by the angle between each beam, and the Piezo internal axis defined by the COM of cap and CTD region, illustrated on the right. The mean value of arm2 and arm3 from the last 750 ns are plotted here. The star symbol marks the average values. d V2476 centroid distances are plotted against x-dim. The pore helix of subunit 1 (pore1) is in contact with arm2 and the pore helix of subunit 2 (pore2) with arm3. The mean value of pore1 and pore2 from the last 750 ns are plotted here. The star symbol marks the average values. In c and d, the corresponding values in the cryo-EM structure are indicated by purple dashed lines.