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. 2021 Jan 5;12:100213. doi: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100213

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Number of cases by confirmation date (top), piecewise reproduction number (Rt) (middle), and case-fatality ratios (CFRs) (bottom) in Hong Kong.

Interventions on first wave:

▲ (27 Jan): Entry restrictions on Hubei.

◼ (29 Jan): Special work arrangements for civil servants until 2 Mar.

● (8 Feb): 14-day mandatory quarantine on the Mainland China.

☐ (2 Mar): Resume normal work arrangements for civil servants.

Interventions on second wave:

▲ (25 Feb): Entry restrictions on non-HK residents coming from Korea or having visited Korea in the past 14 days.

● (25 Feb): All HK residents coming back from Korea will be put on medical surveillance for 14 days, while those HK residents having visited Daegu or Gyeongsangbuk-do will be sent to quarantine centres for compulsory quarantine for 14 days.

● (1 Mar): Issued quarantine orders to people arriving Hong Kong who have been to the three regions in Italy or to Iran where the Red OTA remains in force in the past 14 days (regardless of whether they are Hong Kong residents).

● (14 Mar): Issued quarantine orders to people arriving Hong Kong who have been to some regions in France, Germany, Japan and Spain as well as on the entire country of Italy in the past 14 days (regardless of.

whether they are Hong Kong residents).

● (17 Mar): Issued quarantine orders to people arriving Hong Kong who have been to 26 European countries in the Schengen Area in the past 14 days (regardless of whether they are Hong Kong residents).

● (19 Mar): 14-day mandatory quarantine on all overseas countries/territories.

◼ (23 Mar): Special work arrangements for civil servants until 4 May.

▲ (25 MAr): All non-Hong Kong residents coming from overseas countries and regions by plane will be denied entry to Hong Kong; non-Hong Kong Residents coming from the Mainland, Macao and Taiwan will be denied entry to Hong Kong if they have been to any overseas countries and regions in the past 14 days; all transit services at Hong Kong International Airport will be suspended.

● (25 Mar): All travelers coming from Macao and Taiwan will be subject to compulsory quarantine.

◼ (28 Mar): Six types of premises (i.e. amusement game centres, bathhouses, fitness centres, places of amusement, places of public entertainment and premises for hire for holding social gatherings) closed from 6 p.m. on March 28.

◼ (29 Mar): Prohibition on group gathering of >4 people in public places.

◼ (1 Apr): Karaoke establishments, mahjong‑tin kau establishments and nightclubs closed from 6 p.m. on April 1.

◼ (3 Apr): Bars closed from 6 p.m. on 3 April.

◼ (10 Apr): Closure of beauty parlours and massage establishments from midnight on 10 April.

Interventions on relaxation period:

☐ (4 May): Resume normal work arrangements for civil servants.

☐ (5 May): Prohibition on group gathering of >8 people in public places until 18 Jun.

☐ (7 May): Reopening of entertainment facilities; Allowing the reopening, subject to compliance with certain requirements, of seven types of business premises including amusement game centres, fitness centres, places of amusement, places of public entertainment (such as cinemas), beauty parlours, massage establishments and mahjong‑tin kau premises; allowing bars and pubs to resume operations subject to compliance with more stringent requirements.

☐ (21 May): Reopen most public swimming pools and barbecue sites.

☐ (23 May): Reopen beaches.

◇ (27 May): Reopening of schools.

☐ (29 May): Allow bathhouses, party rooms, clubs or nightclubs and karaoke establishments to resume operation.