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. 2021 Jan 6;11:616169. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.616169


Hierarchical regression analyses on the passage-of-time judgment when the positive emotions, the negative emotions, or the arousal levels were considered in each model.

Model B ES β t p L-CI U-CI VIF R2
Positive emotion
1 (Constante) −7.03E-16 0.028 –0.054 0.054
Happiness 0.388 0.028 0.388 14.06 0.001 0.334 0.442 1 0.15**
2 (Constante) −7.51E-16 0.027 –0.054 0.054
Happiness 0.268 0.036 0.268 7.40 0.001 0.197 0.339 1.757
Joy 0.183 0.036 0.183 5.06 0.001 0.112 0.254 1.757 0.17**
Negative emotion
1 (Constante) −7.61E-16 0.029 –0.056 0.056
Sadness −0.29 0.029 –0.29 –010.12 0.0001 –0.346 –0.234 1 0.08**
2 (Constante) −8.04E-16 0.028 –0.055 0.055
Sadness −1.86E-01 0.032 –0.186 –5.84 0.0001 –0.249 –0.124 1.288
Anger −0.22 0.032 –0.22 –6.90 0.0001 –0.283 –0.157 1.288 0.12**
3 (Constante) −8.18E-16 0.028 –0.055 0.055
Sadness −0.131 0.036 –0.131 –3.68 0.0001 –0.201 –0.061 1.619
Anger −0.185 0.033 –0.185 –5.56 0.0001 –0.25 –0.12 1.42
Anxiey −0.124 0.036 –0.124 –3.44 0.001 –0.195 –0.053 1.661 0.13**
4 (Constante) −8.18E-16 0.028 –0.055 0.055
Sadness −0.131 0.036 –0.131 –3.64 0.0001 –0.201 –0.06 1.652
Anger −0.185 0.034 –0.185 –5.46 0.0001 –0.252 –0.119 1.466
Anxiety −0.124 0.04 –0.124 –3.12 0.002 –0.202 –0.046 2.013
Fear −3.55E-05 0.037 0.0001 –0.001 0.999 –0.072 0.072 1.721 0.13**
1 (Constante) −7.75E-16 0.029 0.057 0.057
Low arousal 0.234 0.029 0.234 8.03 0.0001 0.177 0.291 1 0.06**
2 (Constante) −7.79E-16 0.029 –0.057 0.057
Low arousal 0.228 0.029 0.228 7.88 0.0001 0.171 0.284 1.002
High arousal 0.135 0.029 0.135 4.69 0.0001 0.079 0.192 1.002 0.07**