The circadian phenotype of the miR-183/96/182 cluster was tissue-specific. The miR-183/96/182 cluster altered the circadian period length, amplitude, and phase in the retina (A–D), SCN (E–H), and lung (I–L) from Per2::Luc mice carrying homozygous wild-type or homozygous gene-trap alleles (miR-183C+/+, n = 14∼23; miR-183CGT/GT, n = 12∼19). Animals were maintained under an LD12:12 entrained condition before dissection. Tissue dissection was performed 2–3 h before lights off, and the tissue was immediately cultured for recording for 1 wk. Representative bioluminescence recording profiles of miR-183C+/+ and miR-183CGT/GT are on the Top (A, E, and I). Circadian period length (B, F, and J) and relative amplitude (C, G, and K) were calculated by the linear model fit (damped sin) method. The phase of each tissue (D, H, and L) was represented by the time of peak luminescence on the first day of constant conditions (first day in Lumicycle), *P < 0.05. Data represent the mean ± SD.