Fig. 1.
CRISPR screen for regulators of IFN-γ–dependent iNOS expression. (A) WT BV2-Cas9 cells transduced with the Asiago genome-wide CRISPR libraries were treated with IFN-γ and the top iNOS-expressing cells collected by cell sorting. sgRNA enrichment relative to unsorted IFN-γ–treated cells was determined. (B) Genome-wide screen results. Volcano plot of genes enriched in the top 5% of iNOS-expressing cells after treatment with 2 U IFN-γ/mL. Genes with three sgRNAs represented are shown. (C and D) Subpool screen results. Volcano plot of genes enriched in the top 10% of iNOS-expressing cells after treatment with (C) 2 U IFNγ/mL and (D) 10 U IFNγ/mL. For volcano plots the average LFC of all sgRNAs for each gene is plotted against the –log10(P value) for each gene.