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. 2020 Jan 22;25(1):40–47. doi: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2020.01.001

Table 1.

Descriptive data for the patient in the study.

Variables N Total
Age, years 30 66 ± 8
Sex F/M, n 30 7/23
Weight, kg 30 72.2 ± 14.2
Height, m 30 1.67 ± 0.09
BMI, kg/m2 30 25.8 ± 4.30
Smoking history, pack-years 30 65.7 ± 43.8
FEV1/FVC 30 0.44 ± 0.09
FEV1, L 30 1.39 ± 0.42
FEV1, %pred 30 45.6 ± 12.1
FVC, L 30 3.20 ± 0.86
FVC, %pred 30 81.7 ± 15.5
TLC, L 29 7.24 ± 1.90
TLC, %pred 29 119 ± 23.5
RV/TLC, % 29 51.7 ± 9.71
RV/TLC, %pred 29 145 ± 26.7
CAT, total 30 14 ± 7
LCADL%total 30 29.8 ± 9.34
mMRC, escore* 30 1 [0–4]
GOLD 2/3/4, n 30 10/16/4
GOLD A/B/C/D, n 30 13/6/3/8

Data presented as mean ± standard deviation; BMI: Body Mass Index; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in first second; FVC: forced vital capacity; TLC: total lung capacity; RV: residual volume; CAT: COPD Assessment Test; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council; LCADL: London Chest Activity of Daily Living; *data presented as median[minimum – maximum]; GOLD: global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease.