Table 2.
Divergences observed during the reconciliation meeting of the translated versions (T1 and T2) and proposed solutions.
Original Item | Divergence | Solution | Final Wording |
1. Gait level surface | a. Translation proposed for the word “gait”: caminha Translation of the word “gait” omitted b. Translation proposed for the word “impairment” in the classification system used in the FGA: prejuízo and insuficiência |
a. Change the word “caminha” to “andar” *the word “caminha” was changed to “andar” throughout the text b. Change the word “prejuízo”and “insuficiência” to “deficiência” |
a. Andar em uma superfície plana b. Deficiência leve, Deficiência moderada; Deficiência grave *these words were used throughout the classification system of the FGA-Brazil |
3. Gait with horizontal head turns | a. Different translation proposed for the wording in the instruction part “normal pace”: passo normal and ritmo normal b. Translation proposed for the wording “(eg, staggers 38.1 cm [15 in. outside 30.48-cm (12-in) walkway width, loses balance, stops, or reaches for wall)”: (ex. Cambaleia 38,1 cm [15 in. fora do comprimento da pista de 30,48 cm (12 in., perde o equilíbrio, para, ou toca a parede) |
a. The committee opted for the expression “ritmo normal” b. The committee opted for the expression: understands “tropeça para fora da largura da pista de 30 cm |
a. Comece a andar no seu ritmo normal b. (ou seja, tropeça para fora da largura da pista de 30 cm, perde o equilíbrio, para ou toca a parede) |
4. Gait with vertical head turns | Translation proposed for the wording “vertical head turns”: cabeça inclinada para cima e para baixo Translation proposed for the wording “vertical head turns”: movimento vertical da cabeça |
The committee opted for the expression“movimento vertical da cabeça para cima e para baixo” | Marcha com movimento vertical da cabeça para cima e para baixo |
5. Gait and pivot turn | Translation proposed for the wording “gait and pivot turn”: caminha e gira and marcha e vira | The committee opted for the expression “marchar e girar” | Marchar e girar |
7. Gait with narrow base of support | Translation proposed for the wording “narrow base of support”: base estreita e limitada and menor base de suporte | The committee opted for the expression “base de suporte estreita” | Marcha com base de suporte estreita |
Initial instructions and unit measures | All the items that had measurements in inches and feet, the respective number was transformed into centimeters and rounded. Example: Requirements: A marked 6-m (20-ft) walkway that is marked with a 30.48-cm (12-in) width. |
Rounded the numbers and omitted the unit measurements in inches and feet. | Exigências: uma pista marcada com 6 metros de comprimento e 30 cm de largura. |