Vaccine-mediated uptake of Mtb by phagocytes
(A) Uptake of Mtb by PMA-activated THP1 cells after incubation with BAL fluid obtained before and 8 weeks after vaccination, depicted as the fold change in the percentage of Mtb+ THP1 cells.
(B) Correlation between vaccination-induced Igs capable of binding to live Mtb, from left to right for IgA, IgG, and IgM, and the change in Mtb uptake.
For all graphs, n = 6 animals per group. Horizontal lines indicate group medians. Color coding per individual is consistent throughout. Significance of group differences was determined by two-sided Mann-Whitney test adjusted for multiple comparisons. Holms-adjusted p ≤ 0.05 is depicted. Correlations in (B) were calculated with Spearman’s rank order test.