First author [reference] | Subjects n (age group) | E-cigarette measure | Respiratory measure | Covariates | Findings | Smoking control | Additive effects | Interaction |
Wang [43] | 39 747 (≥18 years) | 30-day use | Ever Dx with COPD by doctor or nurse | Demographics, smoking, CHD | aOR=1.53 for current exclusive e-cigarette users | Yes | Yes | n.a. |
Wills [44] | 8085 (≥18 years) | Ever-use, current use | Ever Dx with COPD by doctor, nurse, other health professional | Demographics, smoking, SHS, BMI, stress | aOR=2.58 for whole sample, 2.98 for nonsmokers | Yes | Yes | Inverse# |
Strong [47] | 32 320 (≥18 years) | Current established user (cigarette or e-cigarette) | Ever Dx by doctor, other health professional with COPD, chronic bronchitis, asthma or emphysema | Demographics, other tobacco product use, marijuana use | aOR=1.39 for solo e-cigarette users, aOR=2.07 for dual users | Yes | Yes | Equal¶.+ |
Perez [48] | 2727 for case– control (18–64 years) | Current e-cigarette user | Ever Dx by health professional with bronchitis, emphysema or COPD | SHS, BMI, other tobacco product use, health measures | aOR=1.47 for total sample, aOR=2.94 for nonsmokers | Yes | n.a. | Inverse# |
Li [49] | 28 171 (≥18 years) | Current established e-cigarette user | Wheezing, whistling, coughing, past 12 months (7 items) | Demographics, BMI, SHS, asthma, mental/physical health | Solo e-cigarette users at more risk than nonusers, aORs 1.37–1.78; for dual users, aORs 2.32–3.58 | Yes | Yes | n.a. |
Osei [50] | 705 159 (≥18 years) | Current e-cigarette use | Ever Dx by health professional with emphysema, bronchitis or COPD | Demographics, poverty status | aOR=1.75 for all cases, aOR=2.64 for never-smoker/daily user | Yes | Yes | Inverse# |
Hedman [51] | 6519 and 23 753 (20–75 years) | Use daily or sometimes | Long-standing cough, phlegm or wheeze in past 3 months, 12 months | Demographics, age, survey | For any respiratory symptom, aOR=1.46 for exclusive e-cigarette users; aOR=4.03 for dual users | Yes | Yes | n.a. |
Bhatta [46] | 23 760 (18–65 years) | Ever-use, current use | Dx by doctor, other health professional with emphysema, bronchitis or COPD ever (wave 1), past 12 months (wave 2, wave 3) | Demographics, smoking, poverty status, clinical variables | aOR=1.29 for incident respiratory disease for current e-cigarette use at wave 1 | Yes | Yes | n.a. |
Bowler [52] | 3536 smokers (45–80 years) | Ever-use, current (monthly, weekly, daily) use | Repeated measures of spirometry, bronchitis, COPD exacerbations | Demographics, smoking, baseline clinical variables | E-cigarette users had more bronchitis, more COPD exacerbations, decline in lung function over time | Yes | Yes | n.a. |
Dx: diagnosed; CHD: coronary heart disease; aOR: adjusted odds ratio; n.a.: not available (data not available or test not performed); SHS: second-hand smoke exposure; BMI: body mass index. #: effects of e-cigarettes greater among nonsmokers; ¶: effect of e-cigarettes equal in smokers and nonsmokers; +: in this study, interactions of marijuana with e-cigarette use were tested.