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. 2021 Jan 21;11:12. doi: 10.1186/s13613-021-00807-7

Table 1.

Demographic summary of male and female cohorts

Males Females P-value
Demographic statistics
 # Patients 91 (63%) 54 (37%)
 Age 67 [57, 77] 67 [58, 74] 0.63a
 Mortality 18% 19% 1.0b
 APACHE II score 20 [16 27] 19.5 [17, 26] 0.98a
 First day SOFA score 6 [4 8] 5.5 [4, 8] 0.46a
 ICU length of stay (h) 108 [67.2, 188.4] 127.2 [64.8, 213.6] 0.91a
 SPRINT duration (h) 83 [45.5, 157.3] 86.5 [39, 167] 0.81a
 T2DM (%) 13 (14%) 11 (20%) 0.4b
Per-patient GC statistics
 Median BG (mmol/L) 5.7 [5.2, 6.1] 6.0 [5.3, 6.4] 0.06a
 Median % BG 4.4–8.0 mmol/L 83 [72, 90] 82 [67, 89] 0.3a
 Median % BG < 4.0 mmol/L 1.4 [0, 5.5] 1.4 [0, 6.9] 0.42a
 Median %BG < 2.2 mmol/L 0 [0, 0] 0 [0, 0] 1.0a
 BG measurements/day 15.8 [14.4, 17.5] 15.7 [14.5, 18.2] 0.47a
 Median insulin (U/h) 3 [2, 3] 3 [2, 3] 0.26a
 Median feed excl. hours not fed (g/h) 3.5 [2.1, 5.5] 2.8 [1.8, 3.9]  < 0.01a
 Median feed excl. hours not fed (%GF) 51 [30, 80] 51 [30, 75] 0.61a
 GF (g/h) 6.5 [6.5, 7.4] 5.2 [5.2, 5.7]  < 0.01a
Cohort statistics
 Cohort BG (mmol/L) 5.6 [4.9, 6.6] 5.9 [5.0, 6.9]  < 0.01ac
 % BG 4.4–8.0 mmol/L 80.6 76.9  < 0.01b
 % BG < 4.0 mmol/L 3.2 3.8 0.11b
 %BG < 2.2 mmol/L 0 0 1.0b
 Insulin (U/h) 3 [1 4] 3 [2 4]  < 0.01a
 Hours not fed 1914 (35%) 861 (27%)  < 0.01a
 Feed excl. hours not fed (g/h) 3.8 [2.0, 5.8] 2.4 [1.7 3.9]  < 0.01a
 Feed excl. hours not fed (%GF) 55 [29 83] 47 [29 75]  < 0.01a

P-values are not adjusted for multiple comparisons. Median [IQR] is given where appropriate. T2DM = pre-diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus, GF = goal feed, and BG = blood glucose. BG is hourly resampled to allow fair comparison.

Statistical difference is shown using (a) the Wilcoxon rank-sum test or (b) Fisher exact test where appropriate. (c) indicates clinical equivalence regardless of statistical significance, as further explained in the methods