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. 2020 Aug 9;128(3):584–592. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.16396

Table 2.

Characteristics of the included 55 060 vaginal births

Baseline phase without OASI Care Bundle Evaluation phase with OASI Care Bundle All
Number of births 27 668 27 392 55 060
Age (years), median (interquartile range) 30 (26–34) 30 (26–34) 30 (26–34)
Age categories (years)
<25 5191 (19.0) 5177 (19.9) 10 368 (19.4)
25–29 7752 (28.3) 7597 (29.2) 15 349 (28.7)
30–34 8651 (31.6) 7998 (30.7) 16 649 (31.2)
>35 5771 (21.1) 5269 (20.2) 11 040 (20.7)
Missing (n = 1654, 3.0%)
White 18 100 (75.0) 18 100 (75.9) 36 200 (75.4)
Asian 2918 (12.1) 3038 (12.7) 5956 (12.4)
Black 1271 (5.3) 1075 (4.5) 2346 (4.9)
Other 1860 (7.7) 1640 (6.9) 3500 (7.3)
Missing (n = 7058, 12.8%)
Body mass index (kg/m2)
<18 945 (3.6) 728 (3.1) 1673 (3.4)
18–25 13 771 (52.9) 12 009 (50.7) 25 780 (51.9)
25–30 6700 (25.7) 6307 (26.7) 13 007 (26.2)
>30 4633 (17.8) 4620 (19.5) 9253 (18.6)
Missing (n = 5347, 9.7%)
Primiparous 12 662 (46.0) 12 153 (45.2) 24 815 (46.5)
Multiparous 14 853 (54.0) 14 759 (54.8) 29 612 (55.4)
Missing (n = 633, 1.2%)
Birthweight (g)
<3500 6162 (22.4) 6243 (23.0) 12 405 (22.7)
3500–3999 10 542 (38.3) 10 434 (38.4) 20 976 (38.3)
≥4000 10 818 (39.3) 10 510 (38.7) 21 328 (39)
Missing (n = 351, 0.6%)
Mode of birth
Spontaneous 22 006 (79.5) 21 651 (79.0) 43 657 (79.3)
Forceps 3660 (13.2) 3644 (13.3) 7304 (13.3)
Vacuum‐assisted 2002 (7.3) 2097 (7.7) 4099 (7.4)
Episiotomy 6934 (25.1) 6719 (24.5) 13 653 (24.8)

Data are number or number (%), unless otherwise indicated.