Figure 2.
NKCC2 splice variants. The primary transcript counts 97,776 nucleotides from the start of exon A (before exon 1) to the end of exon 26. It is represented in this figure by boxes (for the exons) and lines (for the untranslated regions) that are drawn to scale on the horizontal axis. Regions in orange correspond to neosequences before a polyadenylation site in intron 16. Because of this polyadenylation site, the NKCC2∆CT transcripts should thus form typical polyA‐tailed mRNA. Variants NKCC2B, NKCC2A, and NKCC2F are found in several species such as hu, rabbit (rb), and mouse (ms) kidney while variants NKCC2B∆CT, NKCC2A∆CT, and NKCC2F∆CT are only found in ms kidney (Mount, Baekgaard et al., 1999). I, residues encoded from intronic sequences; mRNA, messenger RNA; NKCC2, Na+–K+–Cl− cotransporter 2; ∆CT, variants in which exons 17–26 (corresponding to most of the C‐terminus) are missing; *, stop codon