Table 2.
Components of clinical prediction models evaluated in the included studies
Clinical prediction model | Variables used in the clinical prediction model in the included studies | Included study evaluating the model | Original study developing the model |
AQUAMAT | Base deficit, impaired consciousness, convulsions, elevated blood urea, underlying chronic illness | George31 | von Seidlein60 |
ELSHOUT model | Sore throat, palpable lymph nodes, duration of fever before consultation, C-reactive protein | Elshout29 | Elshout29 |
FEAST-PET | Axillary temperature, heart rate, capillary refill time, conscious level, respiratory distress, lung crepitations, severe pallor, weak pulse | George31 | George31 |
FEAST-PETaL | FEAST-PET with the addition of lactate, pH, blood urea nitrogen | George31 | George31 |
KWIZERA model 1 | Age, respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, capillary refill time, altered mental state | Kwizera41 | Kwizera41 |
KWIZERA model 2 | Age, respiratory rate, heart rate, capillary refill time, altered mental state | Kwizera41 | Kwizera41 |
KWIZERA model 3 | Age, respiratory rate, temperature, capillary refill time, altered mental state | Kwizera41 | Kwizera41 |
KWIZERA model 4 | Age, respiratory rate, capillary refill time, altered mental state | Kwizera41 | Kwizera41 |
KWIZERA model 5 | Age, respiratory rate, altered mental state | Kwizera41 | Kwizera41 |
LODS | Deep breathing, coma, and prostration | George31; Conroy27 | Helbok50 |
LOWLAAVAR model 1 | Conscious level, HIV, weight-for-age z-score | Lowlaavar42 | Lowlaavar42 |
LOWLAAVAR model 2 | Conscious level, HIV, mid-upper arm circumference | Lowlaavar42 | Lowlaavar42 |
LOWLAAVAR model 3 | Conscious level, mid-upper arm circumference | Lowlaavar42 | Lowlaavar42 |
PEDIA-i | Anaemia, jaundice, indrawing, deep breathing, conscious level, prostration, convulsions/seizures, temperature | George31 | Berkley51 |
PEDIA-e | Jaundice, indrawing, conscious level, prostration, convulsions/seizures, wasting, kwashiorkor* | George;31 Conroy27 | Berkley51 |
PEDIA-l | History >7 days, conscious level, prostration, convulsions/seizures, temperature, wasting, kwashiorkor | George31 | Berkley51 |
PEWS† | Heart rate, capillary refill time, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure | George31 | Parshuram61 |
PRISM III‡ | Heart rate, temperature, conscious level, systolic blood pressure, glucose, potassium, PCO2, pH, acidosis, pupillary reflexes | George31 | Pollack62 |
qPELOD-2 | Systolic or mean arterial pressure, heart rate, altered mentation | van Nassau38 | Leclerc53 |
qSOFA | Respiratory rate, altered mentation, systolic blood pressure | van Nassau38 | Seymour54 |
qSOFA-L | qSOFA with the addition of lactate | van Nassau38 | van Nassau38 |
SCOTT model | Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, temperature, age, respiratory rate, heart rate, arrival via emergency medical services, oncological comorbidity, indwelling central line on arrival, hospitalised in the last year | Scott40 | Scott40 |
SICK | Level of consciousness, temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, SpO2, capillary refill time, age | Conroy27 | Kumar52 |
SIRS | Heart rate, respiratory rate, leucocyte count, temperature | van Nassau38 | Goldstein63 |
YOS | Quality of cry, reaction to parent stimulation, state variation, colour, hydration, response to social overtures | Walia39 | McCarthy64 |
*Kwashiorkor was not included in the PEDIA-e score in the Conroy et al study.
†Receipt of oxygen therapy and respiratory effort included in the original PEWS but not measured in the George et al study.
‡Pupillary reflexes, pH, total CO2, arterial PaO2, creatinine, urea, white blood cells, prothrombin time and platelets included in the original PRISM III score but not measured in the George et al study.
AQUAMAT, African Quinine Artesunate Malaria Trial; FEAST-PET, FEAST-Paediatric Emergency Triage; FEAST-PETaL, FEAST-Paediatric Emergency Triage and Laboratory; LODS, Lambaréné Organ Dysfunction Score; PEDIA-e, Paediatric Early Death Index for Africa (early death score); PEDIA-i, Paediatric Early Death Index for Africa (immediate death score); PEDIA-l, Paediatric Early Death Index for Africa (late death score); PEWS, Paediatric Early Warning Score; PRISM-III, Paediatric Risk of Mortality; qPELOD-2, quick Paediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction; qSOFA, quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; qSOFA-L, quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment-Lacate; SICK, Signs of Inflammation in Children that Kill; SIRS, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome; YOS, Yale Observation Score.