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. 2020 Mar 23;2:14. doi: 10.1186/s42238-020-00021-5

Table 6.

Patterns of cannabis use in past year by health indicators by lower and higher CLVSa scale score groups

Lower CLVS (n = 294)
Patterns of Cannabis Use
Higher CLVS (n = 295)
Patterns of Cannabis Use
Never (61.9%, n = 182)b Sometimes (26.2%, n = 77)b Daily (11.9%, n = 35) b Test Statistic Never (44.7%, n = 132) b Sometimes (25.1%, n = 74) b Daily (30.2%, n = 89) b Test Statistic
Chronic Pain Disability: n (%)
 -Low (CPG 0, 1, 2) 167 (92.3)) 73 (94.8) 26 (74.3) χ2 (2) = 13.35, p = .001, V = .213 105 (79.5) 56 (75.7) 62 (69.7) χ2 (2) = 2.81, p = .245, V = .098
 -High (CPG 3, 4) 14 (7.7) 4 (5.2) 9 (25.7)d 27 (20.5) 18 (24.3) 27 (30.3)
CESD-R Depression Indicator: n (%)
 -Yes (>  15) 28 (15.4) 19 (24.7) 15 (42.9) d χ2 (2) = 14.12,p = .001, V = .219 47 (35.6) d 43 (58.1) 58 (65.2) d χ2 (2) = 21.07, p = .000, V = .267
 -No (< 16) 154 (84.6) 58 (75.3) 20 (57.1) 85 (64.4) d 31 (41.9) 31 (34.8) d
PCL-C PTSD Indicator: n (%) (n = 131)
 -Yes (≥ 35) 18 (9.9) d 14 (18.2) 14 (40.0) d χ2 (2) = 20.67, p = .000, V = .265 51 (38.9) d 45 (60.8) 56 (62.9) χ2 (2) = 15.50, p = .000, V = .230
 -No (<  35) 164 (90.1) 63 (81.8) 21 (60.0) 80 (61.1) d 29 (39.2) 33 (37.1)
GAD-7 ≥ 10 Moderate to Severe Anxiety Indicator: n (%) (n = 131)
 -Yes (≥10) 9 (4.9) 8 (10.4) 8 (22.9) d χ2 (2) = 12.58, p = .002, V = .207 29 (22.1) 29 (39.2) 32 (36.0) χ2 (2) = 8.19, p = .017, V = .167
 -No (< 10) 173 (95.1) 69 (89.6) 27 (71.1) 102 (77.9) 45 (60.8) 57 (64.0)
Number of Chronic Health Problems Diagnosed by Health Care Provider ever: μ ± S.D. 1.40 ± 1.70 1.30 ± 1.67 2.11 ± 2.25 F (2, 81.19) = 1.87, p = .062, η2 = .019 2.48 ± 2.44 2.41 ± 1.86 3.18 ± 2.41 F (2, 294) = 3.11, p = .046c, η2 = .021

a Cumulative Lifetime Violence Severity

b Unless otherwise specified

c No significant differences found between groups with Games-Howell post-hoc testing

d Standardized Residual > ± 1.96