Table 2.
Fixed effects model for use of inhaled, dried Cannabis flower on reported symptom intensity level by reported symptom
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
All | Agitation/irritability | Anxiety | Stress | |
Post-cannabis use | − 3.824*** (0.110) | − 4.332*** (0.198) | − 3.474*** (0.125) | − 3.977*** (0.122) |
Constant | 5.452*** (0.055) | 5.754*** (0.099) | 5.246*** (0.062) | 5.540*** (0.061) |
Observations | 4612 | 844 | 1996 | 1772 |
R-squared | 0.644 | 0.707 | 0.635 | 0.686 |
Number of users | 670 | 206 | 441 | 360 |
Each column represents a separate regression. The outcome is the reported symptom level. The explanatory variable is a dummy variable that equals to one if symptom level is reported after cannabis use and equals zero if reported before cannabis use. Models are estimated using an individual fixed effects model. Standard errors, clustered at the individual user level, are shown in parentheses
***p < 0.001