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. 2020 Oct 12;14(2):177–182. doi: 10.4103/aer.AER_17_20

Table 2.

Demographics of survey participants (n=502)*

Question n (%)
Receipt of survey
 Email invitation 224 (47)
 Twitter 80 (16)
 Physician Moms Group on Facebook 177 (37)
Number of years as staff anesthesiologist
 <5 167 (34)
 5-10 160 (33)
 11-20 87 (18)
 >20 75 (15)
Relationship status
 Married/living with partner 421 (88)
 Single/never married 27 (6)
 Divorced/separated/widowed 31 (6)
My place of work is
 Northeastern US 138 (28)
 Midwest US 112 (23)
 Western US 102 (21)
 Southeastern US 76 (16)
 Southwest US 46 (9)
 Outside of US 16 (3)
During a typical week, I am physically in the hospital (h)
 <40 88 (18)
 40-60 354 (72)
 61-80 42 (9)
 >80 5 (1)
Maternity leave at my hospital entails
 No paid time off; must use sick leave/vacation days 167 (35%)
 Paid time off <4 weeks 26 (5)
 Paid time off 4-8 weeks 125 (26)
 Paid time off >8 weeks 56 (12)
 Case-by-case basis; no formal policy 9 (2)
 Don’t know 95 (20)

*Totals don’t add up to 502 as not every question was answered by all participants