a-c. The mean value for each feedback cue
in the (a) ‘close’, (b)
‘chasing’, or (c) ‘whatever’ state
(see Methods for details on z-scoring).
d-f. Representative traces of male and female
movement trajectories in each state. Male trajectories are in gray and
female trajectories in magenta. Arrows indicate fly orientation at the end
of 660 ms. g. In the 4-state GLM-HMM model, the probability of
observing each type of song when the animal is in that state. Filled circles
represent individual animals (n=276 animals, small black circles with lines
are mean +/− SD). h. The correspondence between the
3-state GLM-HMM and the 4-state GLM-HMM. Shown is the conditional
probability of the 3-state model being in the ‘close’,
‘chasing’, or ‘whatever’ states given the state
of the 4-state model. i. The mean probability across flies of
being in each state of the 4-state model when aligned to absolute time (top)
or the time of copulation (bottom). j. Probability of state
dwell times generated from feedback cues. These show non-exponential dwell
times on a y-log plot.