Figure 2.
The Negative Symptoms dimension predicted conversion to psychosis in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR). Participants who converted to a psychotic disorder within 24 months (n = 6) reported higher scores at baseline on Negative Symptoms, t(7.43) = 3.30, FDR-corrected p = 0.036, d = 1.00, and no significant difference on Internalizing, t(6.36) = −0.31, FDR-corrected p = 0.767, d = −0.12, or Positive Symptoms, t(9.15) = 0.47, FDR-corrected p = 0.767, d = 0.12, compared to participants who did not convert to a psychotic disorder (n = 65). Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.