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. 2020 Nov 19;27(1):44–57. doi: 10.3350/cmh.2020.0181

Table 2.

Performance of SHG-based models for quantitative assessment of liver fibrosis in NAFLD

Study Model Methodology No. of patients Performance
Wang et al. [79] (2017) q-FP SHG/TPEF to capture images (of whole biopsy section) 50 (test cohort) Principal component analysis model of 16 q-FPs:
Images assessed with computerized image-analysis by two independent investigators to output the profile of q-FPs data for each slice in operator-defined segmentation regions of liver tissue, including: 42 (validation cohort) - Fibrosis vs. no fibrosis: AUC 0.88
(1) General: the liver section in its entirety - Cirrhosis vs. earlier stages: AUC 0.93
(2) Perisinusoidal: hepatocyte-associated collagen in the perisinusoidal space Linear scale of fibrosis measurement of 4 q-FPs using desirability functions:
(3) Vessel: collagen fibrils directly connected to veins; and - Related to fibrosis stage (P<0.0001)
(4) Vessel bridges: collagen fibrils extending from vein to vein or vein to portal tract.
70 q-FPs had interclass concordance ≥0.8 which were selected for further model development
Wang et al. [81] (2020) q-FP Compared against NASH CRN staging system (but with substages of stage 1 combined) 344 (428 biopsies) (larger validation study) 25 q-FPs with AUC >0.90 for different fibrosis stages; perimeter of collagen fibres and number of long collagen fibres had the best accuracy (88.3–96.2% sensitivity and 78.1–91.1% specificity for different fibrosis stages)
Chang et al. [76] (2018) SHG B-index SHG/TPEF to capture images (final sampling size of 10 mm2 per biopsy) 83 adults Prediction model based on 14 unique SHG-based collagen parameters
An image processing algorithm was used to quantify fibrosis features in three specific regions: 1) central vein, 2) portal tract, and 3) perisinusoidal - Fibrosis vs. no fibrosis: AUC 0.853
In total, 100 collagen features were extracted and quantified, of which 28 features including the percentages of different collagen patterns and collagen string features were extracted in each region - Cirrhosis vs. earlier stages: AUC 0.941
- Stage 0/1 vs. 2/3/4: AUC 0.967
- Stage 0/1/2 vs. 3/4: AUC 0.985
Compared against Brunt’s staging system - High correlation of 0.820 with fibrosis stage (P<0.001)
Liu et al. [77] (2017) qFibrosis SHG/TPEF to capture images (final sampling size of 10 mm2 per biopsy) 62 adults (30 training, 32 validation); 36 children (18 training, 18 validation) Prediction model based on six shared parameters for string collagen
An image processing algorithm was used to quantify fibrosis features in three specific regions: 1) central vein, 2) portal tract, and 3) perisinusoidal (Adult)
- Fibrosis vs. no fibrosis: AUC 0.835
In total, 100 collagen features were extracted and quantified - Cirrhosis vs. earlier stages: 0.982
- Stage 0/1 vs. 2/3/4: AUC 0.892
- Stage 0/1/2 vs. 3/4: AUC 0.87
- Fibrosis vs. no fibrosis: AUC 0.981
- Stage 0/1 vs. 2/3: AUC 0.931
- Stage 0/1/2 vs. 3: AUC 0.885
Liu et al. [82] (2020) qFibrosis Compared against NASH CRN staging system 219 adults (146 training, 73 validation) (multicenter) Prediction model based on 17 parameters, with output as a numerical index from 0 and 6.55
- Fibrosis vs. no fibrosis: AUC 0.87
- Cirrhosis vs. earlier stages: 0.951
- Stage 0/1 vs. 2/3/4: AUC 0.881
- Stage 0/1/2 vs. 3/4: AUC 0.945

SHG, second harmonic generation; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; q-FP, quantification of fibrosis-related parameter; TPEF, two-photon excitation fluorescence; AUC, area under curve; NASH CRN, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network.